
Worldlist: 3922 species


Triplists from previous travels: click on a name for a list of birds and mammals;

Alaska 2004 Nepal 2011 Finland 2013 Northern Peru 2015  Israel 2018  
Central Peru 2008 Kenia 2011 Brazil Amazon & Pantanal 2013 Thailand 2016        
Australie 2018     
Ecuador 2009 Sri Lanka 2012 Ghana 2014  Mexico 2017  Borneo 2019 
Lapland 2010 Brazil Atlantic Forest 2012   California 2015  Madagascar 2017 Oman 2023 

Dutch list: 391 species

Recent Highlights


11 days Borneo: 135 new species including 2 species of Pitta, Whitehead's broadbill, Trogon and Spiderhunter, White-fronted falconet and many barbets, woodpeckers, hornbills and kingfishers. Triplist 

Whiteheads broadbill 3


19 days Australia: 288 new species including Malleefowl, Square-tailed Kite, Chestnut Rail, Inland Dotterel, Plains-wanderer, Powerful Owl, Owlet-nightjar, 6 species of Kingfisher, 7 species of Cuckoo, Black falcon, Major Mitchell's Cockatoo, Superb Lyrebird, Mallee Emu-wren, Chestnut Quail-thrush and Ground Cuckooshrike  Triplist

Powerful Owl 2 Kopie

March 2018

10 days Israel: 28 new species including Spotted sandgrouse, Black Bushchat, Mcqueens bustard, Nubian nightjar, Hooded wheatear, Bimaculated lark, Finch's wheatear and Striped bunting. Triplist

monnikstapuit Kopie

November 2017 14 days Madagascar: 110 new species including all 5 Ground-rollers, 9 species of Coua, both nightjars, 3 species of owls, Sooty and Eleonora's falcon, 12 species of Vanga, Red-tailed tropicbird and Crabplover. No pictures because AirFrance lost my suitcase with al my cameras and lenses. Triplist
March 2017

12 days Central Mexico (Chiapas & Oaxaca): 163 new species, including Pink-headed warbler, Red warbler, Olive Warbler, Red-faced warbler, Highland Guan, Green & Chestnut-side Shrike-vireo, Dwarf Jay, Oaxaca sparrow, Rosita's and Orange-breasted bunting, 19 species of wren, 23 species of hummingbirds and 11 species of oriole. Triplist

  pink headed warbler
February 2016

14 days Central and northern Thailand: 174 new species, including Spoon-billed sandpiper, Baer's pochard, White-faced plover, Silver pheasant, Orange-breasted trogon, Violet cuckoo, Great eared nightjar, Pied harrier, Collared falconet, Red-faced liocichla, Chinese egret and many more  Triplist

September 2015 16 days Northern Peru: 187 new species, including Marvellous spatuletail, Long-whiskered owlet, Masked duck, White-throated hawk, Spotted Rail, Plumbeous rail, Band-bellied owl, Oilbird, Scrub nightjar, Royal sunangel, Wire-crested thorntail, White-bellied woodstar, Rufous-crested coquette, Gray-bellied comet, Great sapphirewing, Yellow-faced parrotlet, Ash-throated antwren, Maranon & Elegant crescentchest, Chestnut & Pale-billed antpitta, Great spinetail, Piura chat-tyrant, Peruvian plantcutter and three species of Inca-finch    Triplist
 July-august 2015 14 days California; 64 new species, including Red-shouldered hawk, Costa's Hummingbird, Pygmy nuthatch, Least tern, Canyon Wren, Verdin, Loggerhead shrike, California thrasher, White-headed woodpecker, Black-throated grey warbler, White-throated swift, Cooper's hawk, Mountain Chickadee, Lazuli bunting, Blue grouse, Common nighthawk & Nuttall's woodpecker  Triplist

11 oktober 2022 Raddes Boszanger (Maasvlakte)

sized Raddes13 april 2022 Amerikaanse Wintertaling (Dordrecht)

17 december 2021 Purperkoet (Alblasserdam)

8 oktober 2021  Swinhoes Boszanger (Maasvlakte 2)

2 juli 2021 Dwergaalscholver (Hagestein)

28 juni 2021  Steltstrandloper (Medemblik)

6 mei 2021 Roodstuitzwaluw ('s Gravezande)

22 april 2021 Ross'meeuw (Scheveningen)Rossmeeuw

5 januari 2021 Kortbekzeekoet (Veerse meer)

20 december 2020 Zwartkeellijster (Utrecht)

27 oktober 2020 Vale gierzwaluw (Barendrecht)

30 september 2020 Noordse boszanger (Katwijk)

11 augustus 2020 Waterrietzanger (Zevenhoven)

3 juni 2020 Struikrietzanger (Voorschoten)struikrietzanger

 29 december 2019 Kleine Regenwulp (Oudesluis, N.H.)

20 oktober 2019  Provencaalse grasmus (Maasvlakte 2)

28 september 2019  Bosgors (Noordwijkerhout)

17 maart 2019   Azuurmees (Bergen N.H.)


  18 februari 2018  Grote kruisbek (Zeist)grote kruisbek
  10 februari 2018  Witstuitbarmsijs (Arnhem) grote en witstuitbarmsijs

27 april 2017 Steppenkiekendief (Waddinxveen)    steppenkiekendief

12 febr 2017 Siberische taling en Dwerggors (Noordwijk)

21 sept 2016  Rosse Waaierstaart (Maasvlakte)

4 sept 2016 Zwartkopgors (Ridderkerk)

17 april 2016  Baardgrasmus (Wageningen)

16 jan 2016  Roodkeelnachtegaal (Hoogwoud)

19 dec 2015 Witkopgors/ Pine Bunting (Oosterschelde)

12 nov 2015  Grijze wouw/ Black-shouldered Kite (Kootwijk)

  12 sept 2015 Siberische strandloper/ Sharp-tailed sandpiper (Schoorl)