Triplists from previous travels: click on a name for a list of birds and mammals;
Recent Highlights
Travels | |
11 days Borneo: 135 new species including 2 species of Pitta, Whitehead's broadbill, Trogon and Spiderhunter, White-fronted falconet and many barbets, woodpeckers, hornbills and kingfishers. Triplist |
19 days Australia: 288 new species including Malleefowl, Square-tailed Kite, Chestnut Rail, Inland Dotterel, Plains-wanderer, Powerful Owl, Owlet-nightjar, 6 species of Kingfisher, 7 species of Cuckoo, Black falcon, Major Mitchell's Cockatoo, Superb Lyrebird, Mallee Emu-wren, Chestnut Quail-thrush and Ground Cuckooshrike Triplist |
March 2018 |
10 days Israel: 28 new species including Spotted sandgrouse, Black Bushchat, Mcqueens bustard, Nubian nightjar, Hooded wheatear, Bimaculated lark, Finch's wheatear and Striped bunting. Triplist |
November 2017 | 14 days Madagascar: 110 new species including all 5 Ground-rollers, 9 species of Coua, both nightjars, 3 species of owls, Sooty and Eleonora's falcon, 12 species of Vanga, Red-tailed tropicbird and Crabplover. No pictures because AirFrance lost my suitcase with al my cameras and lenses. Triplist |
March 2017 |
12 days Central Mexico (Chiapas & Oaxaca): 163 new species, including Pink-headed warbler, Red warbler, Olive Warbler, Red-faced warbler, Highland Guan, Green & Chestnut-side Shrike-vireo, Dwarf Jay, Oaxaca sparrow, Rosita's and Orange-breasted bunting, 19 species of wren, 23 species of hummingbirds and 11 species of oriole. Triplist |
February 2016 |
14 days Central and northern Thailand: 174 new species, including Spoon-billed sandpiper, Baer's pochard, White-faced plover, Silver pheasant, Orange-breasted trogon, Violet cuckoo, Great eared nightjar, Pied harrier, Collared falconet, Red-faced liocichla, Chinese egret and many more Triplist |
September 2015 | 16 days Northern Peru: 187 new species, including Marvellous spatuletail, Long-whiskered owlet, Masked duck, White-throated hawk, Spotted Rail, Plumbeous rail, Band-bellied owl, Oilbird, Scrub nightjar, Royal sunangel, Wire-crested thorntail, White-bellied woodstar, Rufous-crested coquette, Gray-bellied comet, Great sapphirewing, Yellow-faced parrotlet, Ash-throated antwren, Maranon & Elegant crescentchest, Chestnut & Pale-billed antpitta, Great spinetail, Piura chat-tyrant, Peruvian plantcutter and three species of Inca-finch Triplist |
July-august 2015 | 14 days California; 64 new species, including Red-shouldered hawk, Costa's Hummingbird, Pygmy nuthatch, Least tern, Canyon Wren, Verdin, Loggerhead shrike, California thrasher, White-headed woodpecker, Black-throated grey warbler, White-throated swift, Cooper's hawk, Mountain Chickadee, Lazuli bunting, Blue grouse, Common nighthawk & Nuttall's woodpecker Triplist |
Netherlands | |
11 oktober 2022 Raddes Boszanger (Maasvlakte)
17 december 2021 Purperkoet (Alblasserdam) 8 oktober 2021 Swinhoes Boszanger (Maasvlakte 2) 2 juli 2021 Dwergaalscholver (Hagestein) 28 juni 2021 Steltstrandloper (Medemblik) 6 mei 2021 Roodstuitzwaluw ('s Gravezande) 22 april 2021 Ross'meeuw (Scheveningen) 5 januari 2021 Kortbekzeekoet (Veerse meer) 20 december 2020 Zwartkeellijster (Utrecht) 27 oktober 2020 Vale gierzwaluw (Barendrecht) 30 september 2020 Noordse boszanger (Katwijk) 11 augustus 2020 Waterrietzanger (Zevenhoven) 3 juni 2020 Struikrietzanger (Voorschoten) 29 december 2019 Kleine Regenwulp (Oudesluis, N.H.) 20 oktober 2019 Provencaalse grasmus (Maasvlakte 2) 28 september 2019 Bosgors (Noordwijkerhout) 17 maart 2019 Azuurmees (Bergen N.H.) |
18 februari 2018 Grote kruisbek (Zeist) |
10 februari 2018 Witstuitbarmsijs (Arnhem) |
27 april 2017 Steppenkiekendief (Waddinxveen) |
12 febr 2017 Siberische taling en Dwerggors (Noordwijk) 21 sept 2016 Rosse Waaierstaart (Maasvlakte) 4 sept 2016 Zwartkopgors (Ridderkerk) 17 april 2016 Baardgrasmus (Wageningen) 16 jan 2016 Roodkeelnachtegaal (Hoogwoud) 19 dec 2015 Witkopgors/ Pine Bunting (Oosterschelde) 12 nov 2015 Grijze wouw/ Black-shouldered Kite (Kootwijk) |
12 sept 2015 Siberische strandloper/ Sharp-tailed sandpiper (Schoorl) |